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Music Team


MCBC has a blended service combining traditional pieces with more contemporary praise and worship songs. Our lively music ministry has many opportunities, including band, praise team, sound team, live stream team and more.

The goal of our music department is to exalt the Lord, encourage the believer, and evangelize the lost using music that proclaims the Truth.

Worship Team:
Our worship team plays for all Sunday services. We practice every Sunday morning at 8:30 a.m. If you play an instrument, there's a place for you to minister as we glorify God in our worship services.

See Jacob Cox to get involved!

Maintenance Team


The mission of this team is the care and maintenance of all church property, this includes the church grounds, building and equipment, with special attention to safety.  We provide a pleasant and inviting environment in which to worship God and to give everyone an opportunity to serve God and our brothers and sisters in Christ.


We are always in need of people who have the desire, talent, or skills needed for making repairs, maintaining the grounds, and general clean up around the church.  If you have time and would like to volunteer, or if you would like to just find out more information, we would love to visit with you! See Mike Black to get involved!

Homeless Ministry


Our church’s homeless ministry is a vital service that provides food, clothing, shelter, and spiritual support to those who are in need. We believe that every person is created in the image of God and deserves dignity and compassion. We also believe that we are called to love our neighbors as ourselves and to share the good news of Jesus Christ with them.

We invite you to join us in this ministry by volunteering your time, talents, and resources. You can help us by offering prayers and encouragement, or participating in outreach events. You can also help us by donating money, food, clothing, hygiene items, or other supplies that we can use to assist the homeless.

Your generosity and kindness will make a difference in the lives of many people who are struggling and hurting. You will also experience the joy and blessing of being part of God’s work in the world. Please contact Charlie Moore if you are interested in helping out or donating to our church’s homeless ministry.

Missions Team


We support and connect with many works, both local and around the world. Our Mission Team is devoted to communicating, encouraging and praying for our missionaries as they are reaching people for Christ around the world! See JR Yoro to get involved!

Men's Ministry


Here at MCBC we have a strong group of godly men who meet on a regular basis.  Our men have a monthly breakfast on the second Saturday of the month and an annual fishing trip. See Donnie Finch and Eric Osterloh to get involved!

Women's Ministry


SIS or Sisters in Service is a thriving aspect of our women's ministry that every woman in our church can be a part of.  Our women meet regularly for ministry planning, fellowship, and encouragement.  We have online prayer cell groups that you are welcome to be a part of, as well.

Sisters supporting sisters is our way of giving back to our fellow sisters. 

See Leslie Pugh to get involved!

Seniors Saints


MCBC has a welcoming group of vivacious Senior Saints.  Our seniors meet on a weekly basis to fellowship and grow together.

The second Tuesday of each month is the senior luncheon in the Auditorium. This is a time of listening to special speakers, discussing God's word, fellowship with one another, fun and food.

See JR Yoro or Donnie Finch to get involved.

Welcome Team


Are you looking for a way to serve God and others in our church? Do you have a friendly smile and a warm heart? Do you enjoy meeting new people and making them feel welcome? If so, then you might be interested in joining our church’s Welcome team!

The Welcome team is a group of volunteers who greet and assist visitors and members as they arrive for worship and other events. They also help with registration, information, parking, and hospitality. They are the first impression of our church and they play a vital role in creating a welcoming and loving atmosphere.

We are always looking for more people to join our Welcome team and we would love to have you on board. You don’t need any special skills or experience, just a willingness to serve and a passion for people. You can choose your level of commitment and your preferred time slot. You will also receive training and support from our team leaders.

If you are interested in joining our church’s Welcome team, please contact Michele Chaney.


2403 Bedford rd.

Bedford, Tx


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